Wheel of the Year: Imbolc Ritual Kit for Thawing Winter's Stagnation


Wheel of the Year: Imbolc Ritual Kit for Thawing Winter's Stagnation


In early February, the icy clutch of winter penetrates our bones as snow and winter stagnation seems to linger all around us. Hope can be found as we start to see the very first signs of spring.

As the Wheel of the Year turns, we are at the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, the cross-quarter feast of Imbolc on February 1st and 2nd. The quiet time of rest and inner reflection during our long winter slumber is ending.

Roots & Sky’s Imbolc Ritual Bath Kit for Thawing Winter Stagnation is crafted to celebrate this time of purification and prepare for new opportunities and the promise of warming days.

In this ritual kit you will find:

A handmade booklet chock full of history on the holiday of Imbolc and its ancient observances, ways to observe the holiday today, mediation themes, journal prompts, altar suggestions, a ritual bath suggestion, and three separate but interconnected rituals for purification, cleansing, and moving through winter’s stagnation.

Ritual items include:

a Handmade Imbolc Altar Broom crafted by Kita, a talismanic tattoo artist, art witch, bewitching broom maker and dear friend from Chicago. Kita’s brooms are hand tied in a traditional style for use as a protective charm or for ritual use in cleansing an altar, yourself, wafting during a smoke cleanse. For this collaboration, Kita tied custom brooms in the colors sacred to the goddess Brigid, patron of Imbolc: white (milk, snow), green (new growth) red and pink (fertility, fire) - with each including a Brigid’s cross charm to welcome the return of the sun.

a Ritual Candle in one of the traditional colors for celebrating Imbolc, for use in the Thawing Winter Stagnation ritual described in the enclosed booklet.

Sacred Stirrings Imbolc Ritual Bath inspired by traditions of incorporating dairy in Imbolc rituals, this luxurious bath soak is crafted with naturally raised goat’s milk from a small family farm, Epsom salts, and the ethereal fragrances of ritual herbs selected to support a transformative Imbolc ritual bath:

  • Lavender- a purifying herb that brings joy and peaceful rest necessary for soothing sleep and dreams of new opportunities.

  • Rosemary – evergreen representing life through the winter, useful for remembrance and purification

  • Cinnamon – warming, energizing, cleansing herb perfect for winter spiritual purification

  • Myrrh - warming and grounding resin used for consecration, promoting peace and tranquility, with added respiratory benefits

Rich in nourishing vitamins and antioxidants, goat’s milk contains natural exfoliants leaving skin smoother, brighter, moisturized, hydrated, and refreshed.

Imbolc is a perfect time for clearing winters cobwebs and engaging in cleansing rituals like smoke cleansing for the home, refreshing your altar, and cleansing yourself in a ritual bath.

The Imbolc Ritual Kit for Thawing Winter Stagnation is crafted to support your observance of this holiday, so you can fully partake in its gifts.

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